Why your next renovation should be Air Conditioning

Recently I was chatting on CBC Radio about the increased desire for air conditioned homes. If you have lived in Edmonton for long time, you will probably remember a time when you were not concerned about cooling your home, but now, that is no longer the case. We have some of the best summers in […]

Edmonton Market Update May 2023

Market Update for May 2023 Edmonton Real Estate Update Edmonton Real Estate Update May 2023 The Edmonton real estate market is currently showing some signs of strength, with the average house price coming in at $386,000. This is a strong indication that there is still a high demand for homes in the area, and that […]

My home is SOLD! Now what?

My Home Is SOLD! Now What?!? Congratulations once again!!! First of all congratulations, seller your hoe can be very stressful, from the pre planning and preparations to the contract negotiations and don even get me started on the waiting for the shoe to drop after the home inspection is completed. You finally get the news […]

Edmonton Market Reports

Edmonton Market Report

Leduc Market Report St. Albert Market Report Sherwood Park Market Report Spruce Grove Market Report